Autumn Lecture Series 2024
Lectures take place in the Visitor Center Gallery at 5 PM unless noted otherwise. FREE to all. No registration required.

90 Years on the Rocks
Saturday, September 14
Presented by the Hawk Mountain Staff, come celebrate the people, places, and events that have and those that continue to shape the conservation legacy of Hawk Mountain.
Held in the outdoor Amphitheater
The Bald Eagle: Connecting The Count, Carson, and Conservation
Saturday, September 21
Join us on Hawk Mountain's 90th anniversary year as we discuss the important connection linking our long-term raptor migration count, Rachel Carson, and the conservation success story of the bald eagle. After viewing the documentary film "Pennsylvania Bald Eagles: Celebrating 30 Years of Restoration", Patti Barber of the Pennsylvania Game Commission will share updates of the current eagle population within the state.

History of Hawk Mountain Area Before Sanctuary
Saturday, October 19
Join Dave Ray of the Hawk Mountain Chapter 31 Society for Pennsylvania Archaeology to learn about the history of the Hawk Mountain area before sanctuary, including the Native Americans, early settlers, charcoal industry, and sand quarry and slide.

Pennsylvania Bird Atlas: Winter is Coming!
Saturday, November 16
Pennsylvania's Third Bird Atlas (PBA3) is a 5-year long community science project that will help improve our understanding of the distribution and abundance of birds across the state. The PBA3 follows PA’s first two atlases, which were conducted in the 1980s and early 2000s. However, the PBA3 is our first atlas to incorporate winter atlas efforts! Find out how you can contribute to bird conservation by counting birds overwintering in PA.