Graduate Student Programs

Hawk Mountain collaborates with major universities and research institutes around the world to support graduate students working on raptors.
Support is limited to areas of interest to Hawk Mountain Sanctuary, including the movement ecology, conservation status, and protection of birds of prey. Recent projects have involved studies of the effects of climate change on breeding success of arctic raptors such as rough-legged hawks, the migration behavior of Turkey Vultures in North, Central, and South America, and the breeding ecology of broad-winged hawks.
The Sanctuary's Acopian Center for Conservation Learning provides a model setting for library research, proposal writing, analyses of field observations, and thesis and dissertation write-ups.
For more information or to apply for a Graduate Student position, contact:
Dr. JF Therrien, Senior Scientist and Graduate Study Director
[email protected] or 570-943-3411 ext. 104
Project Soar Awards
Hawk Mountain Sanctuary recognizes that training alone does not ensure successful careers in raptor conservation, and so trainees practice grant-proposal writing, and are introduced to potential funding agencies and foundations. Hawk Mountain also continues to provide trainees with news of funding opportunities after they leave the Sanctuary, and works with them to secure funding.
The Sanctuary offers competitive "incite" grants to support their individual projects and help them get started in the field. Grants are awarded on the basis of the scientific and conservation merit, and on the likelihood that work will contribute significantly to raptor conservation. All aspects of raptor science, education, and conservation are supported, with particular emphasis on the establishment of watchsites along important migration flyways, and on the study of raptors whose conservation status is threatened or uncertain.
To learn more about our Project Soar Awards, either to contribute to the fund or to apply, contact:
Dr. Laurie Goodrich at [email protected] or Dr. Jean-Francois Therrien at [email protected].
James A. Kushlan Award
The James A. Kushlan Award was established in 2005 to support graduate students in their work for or with Hawk Mountain Sanctuary through a generous gift established by the Kushlan Endowment Fund. The award is competitive and based on the merit of research project proposed and awarded to a qualified graduate student working in raptor conservation and without geographic restriction.
Interested applicants must apply on or by August 15 annually. To apply for the award, contact Dr. JF Therrien at [email protected].