Pennsylvania Goshawk Project

From 2017 to 2020 Hawk Mountain researchers collaborated with scientists statewide to assess the status of the American Goshawk. The collaboration was called the Pennsylvania Goshawk Project (see
Although goshawks nested from the Kittatinny Ridge northward during the 1980s, few nest sightings have been reported in the recent decades in the southern part of the range and migration counts suggest widespread declines in the northeastern states. State ornithologists believe the range of goshawks may have contracted north across the state with remaining nests located only in northern counties. However, the elusive nature of the species, makes accurate assessment of the status difficult. From 2017 to 2019, Penn State University biologists also conducted a study with a focus on understanding nesting season occupancy in Allegheny National Forest and assessing possible reasons for any changes in distribution. As a result of the limited nests discovered during the Pennsylvania Goshawk Project surveys and the Penn State study, the American Goshawk was recently listed as “endangered’ in Pennsylvania.
In addition to scientific study, Hawk Mountain and collaborators continue to seek assistance from hikers, birders, hunters to report sightings of goshawks to the Hawk Mountain sighting report form page. All goshawk nests located in the state are protected and will be kept in confidence.
If you are out in forests of Pennsylvania and see a goshawk, please report it using our online data form linked at the button below. For information on identification of goshawks, their call, and a nest description, click here.
All nests will be kept confidential and locations not divulged except to implement state habitat conservation. If you have questions regarding this study or use of the data gathered, contact Laurie Goodrich, Director of Conservation Science, 570-943-3411 x106 or [email protected].
Thank you to our Collaborators and Supporters
- Ornithological Technical Committee of the Pennsylvania Biological Survey
- Kittatinny Ridge Coalition
- Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources
- Penn State University
- Pennsylvania Wild Resource Conservation Program
- Allegheny National Forest
- Generous private donors and volunteers
How can you help?
If you are unable to volunteer, we always appreciate donations to help our efforts. Contact Dr. Laurie Goodrich (570-943-3411 ext 106 or [email protected]), or click the button below and include in the comments of the form that the online gift is for the PA American Goshawk Project.