Raptors at Hawk Mountain
Hawk Mountain is a great place to learn about raptors and see them in person. Our trails and lookouts offer beautiful scenery and access to nature every day of the year. RaptorPedia is our always-in-progress resource for learning about raptors here at Hawk Mountain and around the world.
American Kestrel
Wingspan: 1'8"-2'
Length: 8"-11"
W-L ratio: 2.2:1
Weight: 3.5-5 oz
Bald Eagle
Wingspan: 6'-7'6"
Length: 2'4"-3'2"
W-L ratio: 2.6:1
Weight: 6-14 lbs
Black Vulture
Wingspan: 5'
Length: 2'-2'4"
W-L ratio: 2.3:1
Weight: 4.5-6 lbs
Broad-winged Hawk
Wingspan: 2'8"-3'
Length: 13"-17"
W-L ratio: 2.3:1
Weight: 15-17 oz.
Cooper's Hawk
Wingspan: 2"4"-2'10"
Length: 15"-18"
W-L ratio: 1.9:1
Weight: 10-24 oz
Golden Eagle
Wingspan: 6'-7'3"
Length: 2'3"-2'9"
W-L ratio: 2.6:1
Weight: 7-14 lbs
Northern Goshawk
Wingspan: 2'10"-3'8"
Length: 18"-24"
W-L ratio: 2:1
Weight: 1.5-2.6 lbs
Northern Harrier
Wingspan: 3'2"-4'
Length: 1'6"-2'’
W-L ratio: 2.4:1
Weight: 0.7-1.3 lbs
Wingspan: 6'-6'6"
Length: 1'9"-2'2"
W-L ratio: 2.7:1
Weight: 2.5-4 lbs
Peregrine Falcon
Wingspan: 3'2"-3'10"
Length: 1'2"-1'6"
W-L ratio: 2.5:1
Weight: 1-1.5 lbs
Red-Shouldered Hawk
Wingspan: 3'2"-3'6"
Length: 1'3"-1'7"
W-L ratio: 2.4:1
Weight: 1.1-1.9 lbs
Red-Tailed Hawk
Wingspan: 3'6"-4'4"
Length: 1'5"-1'10"
W-L ratio: 2.5:1
Weight: 1.8-3.3 lbs
Rough-legged Hawk
Wingspan: 4'-4'8"
Length: 1'6"-1'10"
W-L ratio: 2.5:1
Weight: 1.4-3 lbs
Sharp-shinned Hawk
Wingspan: 1’8"-2’2"
Length: 9"-13"
W-L ratio: 2.1:1
Weight: 3-8 oz
Turkey Vulture
Wingspan: 5'6"
Length: 2'2"-2'8"
W-L ratio: 2.4:1
Weight: 3.5-5 lbs