2. Bildstein, K. L. 1992. Causes and consequences of reversed sexual size dimorphism in raptors: the head start hypothesis. Journal of Raptor Research 26: 115-123.
5. Gawlik, D. E., and K. L. Bildstein. 1993. Seasonal habitat use and abundance of Loggerhead Shrikes in South Carolina. Journal of Wildlife Management 57: 352-357.
6. Gawlik, D. E., and K. L. Bildstein. 1995. Differential habitat use by sympatric Loggerhead Shrikes and American Kestrels in South Carolina. Proceedings of the Western Foundation for Vertebrate Zoology 6: 163-166.
8. Porneluzi, P., J. Bednarz, L. Goodrich, J. Hoover, and N. Zawada. 1993. Reproductive performance of territorial ovenbirds occupying forest fragments and a contiguous forest in Pennsylvania. Conservation Biology 7: 618-622.
9. Brett, J. J., and K. Bildstein. 1993. Pp. 367-370 in An international scheme for monitoring raptor populations at migration sites, E. T. Wilson, editor. Proceedings of the Eighth Pan African Ornithological Congress, Musee Royal de Afrique Centrale, Tervuren, Belgium.
10. Bildstein, K. L., C. B. Golden, B. J. Bohmke, and R. E. Seibels. 1993. Feeding behavior, aggression, and the conservation biology of flamingos: integrating studies of captive and free-ranging birds. American Zoologist 33: 117-125.
11. Kerlinger, P., and J. Brett. 1995. Hawk Mountain Sanctuary: a case study of birder visitation and birding economics at a private refuge. Pages 271-280 in Wildlife and recreationists: coexistence through management and research. Island Press, Washington, D. C.
12. Bildstein, K . L., and M. W. Collopy. In Press. Geographic variation in the hunting behaviour of Northern Harriers in North America: ecological and conservation implications for the genus Circus. Pp. xx-xx in Ecology and conservation of harriers. Hawk and Owl Trust, London, England.
13. Bryan, A. L., T. M. Murphy, K. L. Bildstein, I. L. Brisbin, and J. J. Mayer. 1995. Use of reservoirs and other artificial impoundments by Bald Eagles in South Carolina. Pp. 285-298 in Raptors in human landscapes, D. M. Bird, J. J. Negro, and D. Varland, editors. Academic Press, New York, New York.
14. Bartholomew-Began, S. 1993. The bryoflora of Hawk Mountain Sanctuary, Kempton, Pennsylvania. Journal of the Pennsylvania Academy of Science 67: 55-58.
17. Viverette, C. B., L. Goodrich, and M. Pokras. 1994. Levels of DDE in eastern flyway populations of migrating Sharp-shinned Hawks and the question of recent declines in numbers sighted. Journal of Hawk Migration Studies 20(1): 5-7.
18. Goodrich, L. J., J. Brett, C. Viverette, and K. L. Bildstein. 1994. An invitation to join Hawks Aloft Worldwide: Hawk Mountain's raptor migration atlas project. Journal of Hawk Migration Studies 19(2):7-10.
20. Bildstein, K. L., D. E. Gawlik, D. P. Ferral, I L. Brisbin, and G. R. Wein. 1994. Wading bird use of established and newly created reactor cooling reservoirs at the Savannah River Site, near Aiken, South Carolina, USA. Hydrobiologia 279/280:71-82.
21. Powers, L., M. Pokras, K. Rio, C. Viverette, and L. Goodrich. 1994. Hematology and occurrence of hemoparasites in migrating Sharp-shinned Hawks (Accipiter striatus) during fall migration. Journal of Raptor Research 28: 178-185.
22. Bildstein, K. L., J. J. Brett, L. J. Goodrich, and C. Viverette. 1995. Hawks Aloft Worldwide: networking to protect the world's migrating birds of prey and their migratory habitats. Pp. 504-516 in Nature Conservation 4: the role of networks (D. Saunders, et al., ed.). Surrey Beatty & Sons Pty Ltd, Chipping Norton, New South Wales, Australia.
25. Negro, J. J., K. L. Bildstein, and D. M. Bird. 1995. Effects of food deprivation and handling stress on fault-bar formation in nestling American Kestrels (Falco sparverius). Ardea 82:262-267.
26. Goodrich, L. J., S. T. Crocoll, and S. E. Senner. 1996. Broad-winged Hawk (Buteo platypterus). In the Birds of North America, No. 218, A. Poole and F. Gill, editors. Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia; and American Ornithologists Union, Washington, D.C.
27. Michener, W. K., E. R. Blood, K. L. Bildstein, M. M. Brinson, and L. R. Gardner. 1997. Climate change, hurricanes and tropical storms, and rising sea level in coastal wetlands. Ecological Applications 7:770-801.
28. Bunn, A., W. Klein, and K. L. Bildstein. 1995. Time-of-day effects on the numbers and behavior of non-breeding raptors seen on roadside surveys in eastern Pennsylvania. Journal of Field Ornithology 66:544-552.
29. Bildstein, K. L. Linking raptor migration science to mainstream ecology and conservation: an ambitious agenda for the 21st Century. Pages xx-xx in Proceedings of the World Working group for Birds of Prey and Owls Conference, Badajoz, Spain. WWGBP, Berlin, Germany.
32. Frederick, P. C., K. L. Bildstein, B. Fleury, and J. Ogden. 1996. Conservation of large nomadic populations of White Ibises in the United States. Conservation Biology 10: 203-216.
33. Viverette, C. B., S. Struve, L. J. Goodrich, and K. L. Bildstein. 1996. Decreases in migrating Sharp-shinned Hawks (Accipiter striatus) at traditional watchsites in eastern North America. Auk 113: 32-40.
34. Allen, P. E., L. J. Goodrich, and K. L. Bildstein. 1996. Within- and among-year effects of cold fronts on migrating raptors at Hawk Mountain, Pennsylvania, 1934-1991. Auk 113: 329-338.
35. MacWhirter, B., and K. L. Bildstein. 1996. Northern Harrier (Circus cyaneus). Number 210 in The birds of North America, No. 210, A. Poole and F. Gill, editors. The Academy of Natural Sciences and the American Ornithologists' Union, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and Washington, D. C.
36. Noojibail, G. 1995. A relationship between songbird breeding success, small mammal abundance and fragmented forests in eastern Pennsylvania. The Meadowlark (Journal of Illinois Ornithology) 4:7-11.
37. Goodrich, L. J., and K. L. Bildstein. 1995. Forest fragmentation and bird habitats, Hawk shooting, and Peregrine Falcon. Pages 287-288, 343, and 514-515 in Conservation and environmentalism: an encyclopedia, R. Paehlke, editor. Garland, New York, New York.
38. Bildstein, K. L. In Press. Group foraging in colonial waterbirds. In Colonial breeding in waterbirds: evolutionary causes and functional consequences, F. Cezilly, H. Hafner, and D. N. Nettleship, eds. Oxford Univ. Pr., Oxford, England.
39. Jie, D., A. Eakright, L. Goodrich, and C. Viverette. Oak-maple slope forest (Breeding Bird census -- 1995). J. Field Ornithology 67 (Supplement): 47.
40. Eakright, A., D. Jie, L. Goodrich, and C. Viverette. Oak-maple ridge-top forest (Breeding Bird Census -- 1995). J. Field Ornithology 67 (Supplement): 47.
41. Goodrich, L. J., C. Viverette, S. E. Senner, and K. L. Bildstein. 1998. Long-term use of Breeding Bird Census plots to monitor populations of Neotropical migrants breeding in deciduous forest in eastern Pennsylvania, USA. Pages 151-166 in Measuring and monitoring forest biodiversity. Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington, D.C.
44. Valdez, U., S. Robertson, B. Robertson, and K. L. Bildstein. 2000. Nestbox use by American Kestrels (Falco sparverius) and European Starlings (Sturnus vulgaris) in eastern Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania Birds 14:150-153.
45. DeCandido, R., D. Allen, and K. L. Bildstein. 2001. The migration of Steppe Eagles (Aquila nipalensis) and other raptors in central Nepal, autumn 1999. Journal of Raptor Research 35:35-39.
49. Bohall Wood, P., C. Viverette, L. Goodrich, M. Pokras, and C. Tibbott. 1996. Environmental contaminant levels in Sharp-shinned Hawks from the eastern United States. Journal of Raptor Research 30: 136-144.
50. Atkinson, E. C., L. J. Goodrich, and K. L. Bildstein. 1996. A temporal field guide to autumn raptor migration at Hawk Mountain Sanctuary, Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania Birds 10:134-137.
51. Bildstein, K. L. 1997. Factors influencing short- and long-term chances in raptor migration at Hawk Mountain Sanctuary, USA, 1934-1995. Buteo 9:5-15.
55. Maransky, B., L. Goodrich, and K. Bildstein. 1997. Seasonal shifts in the effects of weather on the visible migration of Red-tailed Hawks at Hawk Mountain, Pennsylvania, 1992-1994. Wilson Bull.,109(2): 246-252.
56. Bildstein, K. L. and J. I. Zalles. 2001. Raptor migration along the Mesoamerican land corridor. Pages 119-141, Hawkwatching in the Americas (Proceedings of the Hawk Migration Association of North America's 25th Anniversary 2000 conference), edited by Keith L. Bildstein and Daniel Klem, Jr. Hawk Migration Association of North America, North Wales, Pennsylvania.
57. Rodriguez, F., M. Martell, P. Nye, and K. L. Bildstein. Osprey migration through Cuba. Pages 107-117, Hawkwatching in the Americas (Proceedings of the Hawk Migration Association of North America's 25th Anniversary 2000 conference), edited by Keith L. Bildstein and Daniel Klem, Jr. Hawk Migration Association of North America, North Wales, Pennsylvania.
58. DeSanto, T. L., J. W. Johnston, and K. L. Bildstein. 1997. Wetland feeding site use by White Ibises (Eudocimus albus) breeding in coastal South Carolina. Colonial Waterbirds 20:167-176.
59. Bildstein, K. L. and J. Zalles. 1998. Moving targets: the science and conservation of migrating raptors in the Western Hemisphere. Proceedings of the migrating birds know no boundaries symposium and workshop. Torgos 28:97-108.
61. Aradis, A. 2000. Magnitude and seasonal timing of Northern Harrier (Circus cyaneus) migration at Hawk Mountain Sanctuary, Pennsylvania, 1936-1999. American Hawkwatcher 26:16-20.
62. Rohrbaugh, R. W. and R. H. Yahner. 1997. Effects of macrohabitat and microhabitat on nest-box use and nesting success of American Kestrels. Wilson Bulletin 109:41-423.
65. Bildstein, K. L. 1998. Long-term counts of migrating raptors: a role for volunteers in wildlife research. Journal of Wildlife Management 62:435-445.
66. Castellucci, S. A., S. B. Oplinger, and J. R. Klucsarits. 1998. Hematology and detection of hemoparasites in the American Kestrel (Falco sparverius) during summer nesting period. Journal of the Pennsylvania Academy of Sciences72(1):29-31.
67. Klucsarits, J. R., B. Robertson, and S. Robertson. 1997. Breeding success of American Kestrels nesting in boxes in eastern Pennsylvania, 1987-1994. Pennsylvania Birds 11:138-140.
68. Bildstein, K. L. 2001. Raptors as vermin: the history of human attitudes towards Pennsylvania's birds of prey. Endangered Species Update. 18: 124-128.
69. Bildstein, K. L. and D. Klem, Jr., editors. Hawkwatching in the Americas. Proceedings of the 25th anniversary meeting of the Hawk Migration Association of North America. Hawk Migration Association of North America, North Wales, Pennsylvania.
70. Bildstein, K. L., J. I. Zalles, J. Ottinger, and K. McCarty. 2000. Conservation biology of the world's migratory raptors: status and strategies. Pages 573-590 in Raptors at Risk, Chancellor, R. D. and B.-U. Meyburg, eds. World Working Group on Birds of Prey and Owls, Berlin, Germany.
71. McCarty, K. M., M. Farhoud, J. Ottinger, L. G. Goodrich, and K. L. Bildstein. Spring migration at Hawk Mountain Sanctuary, 1969-1998. Pennsylvania Birds 13:11-15.
72. Olivo, C. 2001. Conservation status and knowledge of raptor migration in Bolivia. Newsletter of the World Working Group on Birds of Prey and Owls. 29/32: 34-40.
75. Bartholomew-Began, S. 1999. Additions to the bryoflora of Hawk Mountain Sanctuary, Berks County, Pennsylvania. Journal of the Pennsylvania Academy of Science 73(1):3-9.
76. Smallwood, J. A., C. Natale, K. Steenhof, M. Meetz, C. D. Marti, R. J. Melvin, G. R. Bartolotti, R. Robertson, S. Robertson, W. R. Shuford, S. A. Lindemann, and B. Tornwall. 1999. Clinal variation in the juvenal plumage of American Kestrels. J. Field Ornithol. 70(3):425-435.
77. Inzunza, E. R., S. W. Hoffman, L. J. Goodrich, and R. Tingay. 2000. Conservation strategies for the world's largest known raptor migration flyway: Veracruz the river of raptors. Raptors at Risk:591-596.
78. Zegers, D. A., F. May, and L. J. Goodrich. 2000. Identification of nest predators at farm/forest edge and forest interior sites. Journal of Field Ornithology 71(2):207-216.
80. Bildstein, K. L. 2000. Mountaintop science: the history of conservation ornithology at Hawk Mountain Sanctuary. 153-181 in Contributions to the history of North American ornithology. Memoirs of the Nuttall Ornithological Club, Boston, Massachusetts.
82. Jacobson, M. A., and W. Potter. 1999. A comparison of Red-shouldered Hawk autumn migration counts at Hawk Mountain Sanctuary and Bake Oven Knob, Pennsylvania, 1982-1998. American Hawkwatcher 25: 11-16.
83. Castaño, A. M., and K. L. Bildstein. 1999. Hawks Aloft Worldwide, estrategia cooperativa para la protección de las rapaces migratorias del mundo. Boletín SAO 10: 55-64.
85. Zalles, J. I., and K. L. Bildstein, eds. 2000. Raptor watch: a global directory of raptor migration sites. Birdlife International, Cambridge, England; and Hawk Mountain Sanctuary, Kempton, Pennsylvania.
86. Bildstein, K. L., and M. Saborio. 2000. Spring migration counts of raptors and New World vultures in Costa Rica. Ornitologia Neotropical 11:197-205.
88. Barber, D. R., T. E. Martin, M. A. Melchiors, R. E. Thill, and T. B. Wigley. 2001. Nest success of birds in different silviculture treatments in southeastern U.S. pine forests. Conservation Biology 15:196-207.
89. Barber, D.R., P. M. Barber, and P. G. Jablonski. 2000. Painted Redstart (Myioborus pictus). No. 528 in The birds of North America, No. 528, A. Poole and F. Gill, editors. The Academy of Natural Sciences and the American Ornithologists' Union, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and Washington, D. C.
90. Maransky, B. P., and K. L. Bildstein. 2001. Follow your elders: age-related differences in the migration behavior of Broad-winged hawks at Hawk Mountain Sanctuary, Pennsylvania. Wilson Bulletin 113: 350-353.
91. Yosef, R., P. Tryjanowski, and K. L. Bildstein. 2002. Spring migration of adult and immature buzzards (Buteo buteo) through Eilat, Israel: timing and body size. Journal of Raptor Research 36:115-120.
92. Swartzenruber, B. A. and H. M. Beck. 2001. A comparison of counts of migrating Red-tailed Hawks seen at Hawk Mountain Sanctuary and Bake Oven Knob, Pennsylvania, 1961-2000. American Hawkwatcher 27:11-17.
93. Ardia, D. R. 2002. Energetic consequences of sex-related habitat segregation in wintering American Kestrels. Canadian Journal of Zoology, 80: 516-523.
94. Bildstein, K. L., F. Rodriguez Santana, L. O. Melian, and M. Martell. 2002. A new migration route for Swallow-tailed Kite Elanoidesforficatusin east Cuba. Cotinga 18:93-95.
95. McCarty, K. and K. L. Bildstein. 2005. Using Autumn Hawk Watch to track raptor migration and monitor populations of North American birds of prey. Pages 718-725 in U. S. Forest Service Technical Publication PSW-GTR-191.
97. Yosef, R., L. Fornasari, P. Tryjanowski, M. J. Bechard, G. S. Kaltenecker, and K. Bildstein. 2003. Differential spring migration of adult and juvenile Levant Sparrowhawks Accipiter brevipes through Eilat , Israel . Journal of Raptor Research 37: 31-36.
98. Miller, M. W., E. M. Greenstone, W. Greenstone, and K. L. Bildstein. In press. Timing and magnitude of Broad-winged Hawk migration at Montclair Hawk Lookout, New Jersey, and Hawk Mountain Sanctuary, Pennsylvania . Wilson Bulletin 114: 479-484.
99. Steve Hawk, Nigar Agayeva Chingiz kizi, John Musina, and Kyle McCarty . 2002. Ridge Adherence in Bald Eagles Migrating along the Kittatinny Ridge between Bake Oven Knob and Hawk Mountain Sanctuary, Autumn 1998-2001. American Hawkwatcher 28:11-17.
100. Bildstein, K.L., and J.I. Zalles. 2005. Old World versus New World long-distance migration in accipiters, buteos, and falcons: the interplay of migration ability and global biogeography. Pages 154-167, in Birds of Two Worlds: The Ecology and Evolution of Migratory Birds (R. Greenberg and P. Marra, eds.). John Hopkins Press, Baltimore Maryland.
101. Rodriguez Santana, F., L. M. Hernandez, M. Martell, and K. L. Bildstein. In press. Raptor migration at La Gran Piedra, eastern Cuba , 2001. Journal of Raptor Research 37: 330-333.
103. Bildstein, K. L. Raptor migration in the Neotropics: patterns, processes, and evolutionary consequences. Ornitologia Neotropical 15(Suppl.): 83-99.
104. Teter, S., A. Khalilieh, E. Ashworth , S. Wamiti , L. Bonner. 2003. Ridge adherence in Golden Eagles Migrating along the Kittatinny Ridge between Bake Oven Knob and Hawk Mountain Sanctuary, Autumn 2000-2002. American Hawkwatcher 29: 9-14.
105. Senner, N. R., L. J. Goodrich, D. R. Barber, and M. W. Miller. 2003. Ovenbird nest site selection within a large, contiguous forest in eastern Pennsylvania: microhabitat characteristics and nesting density. Journal of the Pennsylvania Academy of Science 83(1): 3-9.
106. Inzunza, E., S. W. Hoffman, and L. J. Goodrich. Stopover ecology of Neotropical migrants in central Veracruz, Mexico. 2004. Bird Conservation Implementation and Integration in the Americas: Proceedings of the Third International Partners in Flight Conference 2002. U.S.D.A. Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. PSW-GTR-191.
108. DeCandido, C. Nualsri, D. Allen, D., and K. L. Bildstein. Autumn 2003 raptor migration at Chumphon , Thailand : a globally significant raptor migration watchsite in South-East Asia . Forktail 20:41-46.
111. Olivo, C. 2004. Migration patterns of Mississippi Kites (Ictinia mississippiensis) in the eastern lowlands of Bolivia Ornitologia Neotropical 15:261-266.
113. Katzner, T., A. Gavashelishvilli, S. Sklyarenko, M. McGrady, J. Shergalin, and K. L. Bildstein. Population and conservation status of Griffon Vultures in the former Soviet Union. 235-240 in Raptors worldwide, ed. by R. D. Chancellor and B. U. Meyberg. World Working Group for Birds of prey and owls, Berlin, Germany.
115. Porras-Peñaranda, P., L. Robichaud, and F. Branch. 2004. New full-season count sites for raptor migration in Talamanca , Costa Rica . Ornitologia Neotropical 15 (Suppl.): 267-278.
116. Gurung, S., C. Lattin, R. Robles., V. Sympson, and G. Quigly. 2004. A comparison of counts of migrating Cooper's Hawks at Hawk Mountain Sanctuary and Bake Oven Knob, Pennsylvania, 1961 - 2003. American Hawkwatcher 30:9-16.
117. Bildstein, K. L., J.P. Smith, and R. Yosef. 2007. Migration counts and monitoring. Pages 101-116 in Raptor research and management and techniques, edited by D. M Bird and K. L. Bildstein. Hancock House Publishers. Blain, Washington, USA.
118. Katzner, T., S. Robertson, B. Robertson, J. Klucsarits, K. McCarty, and K. Bildstein. 2005. Results from a long-term nest-box program for American Kestrels: implications for improved population monitoring and conservation. Journal of Field Ornithology 76(3):217-225.
119. Jensen, W. J., M. S. Gregory, G. A. Baldassarre, F. J. Vilella, and K. L. Bildstein. 2005. Raptor abundance and distribution in the Llanos wetlands of Venezuela. J. Raptor Res. 39(4):417-428.
121. DeCandido, R., and D. J. Allen. 2005. First nesting of Cooper's Hawks (Accipiter cooperii) in New York City since 1955. J. Raptor Research 39(1):109.
122. Ferland-Raymond, B., M. Bachand, D. Thomas, & K. Bildstein. 2005. Flapping rates of migrating and foraging Turkey Vultures Cathartes aurain Costa Rica. Vulture News 53:4-9.
123. DeCandido, R., D. Allen, and R. Yosef. Comparison of spring migration phenology of Bee-eaters and Oriental Honey-Buzzards (Pernis ptilorhyncus)at Tanjung Tuan, Malaysia 2000-01. Ardea 92(2): 169-173.
124. DeCandido, D. Allen. Nocturnal hunting by Peregrine Falcons at the Empire State Building, New York City. 2006. The Wilson Journal of Ornithology 118(1):53-58.
125. Goodrich, L. J., M. C. Brittingham, J. A. Bishop, and P. Barber. 2006. An interagency-led effort: biodiversity conservation in Pennsylvania: a summary of the status of wildlife habitat and habitat threats statewide. Pp. 559-567 in Biodiversity conservation handbook: State, local, and private protection of biological diversity, ed. by R. B. McKinstry, Jr., C. Ripp, and E. Lisy. Environmental Law Institue, Washington, D. C.
127. DeCandido, R., R. O. Bierregaard, Jr., M. S. Martell, and K. L. Bildstein. 2006. Evidence of nocturnal migration by Osprey (Pandion haliaetus) in North America and Western Europe. Journal of Raptor Research 40(2): 156-158.
128. Munroe, D., D.W. Thomas, and M.M. Humphries. 2005. Torpor patterns of hibernating eastern chipmunks (Tamias striatus) vary in response to the size and fatty acid composition of food hoards. Journal of Animal Ecology 74: 692-700.
129. Ardia, D. 2006. Glycated hemoglobin and albumin reflect nestling growth and condition in American Kestrels. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology,Part A, 143: 62-66.
132. Robert DeCandido, D. Allen, and K. L. Bildstein. 2006. Spring migration of Oriental Honey-buzzards Pernis ptilorhyncus and other rpators at Tanjung Tuan, Malaysia, 2000-2001. Forktail 22: 156-160.
135. Careau, V., J. Therrien, P. Porras, D. Thomas, and K. Bildstein. 2006. Soaring and gliding flight of migrating Broad-winged Hawks: Behavior in the Nearctic and Neotropics compared. The Wilson Journal of Ornithology 118(4):471-477.
136. Reudink, M. W., S. G. Mech, S. P. Mullen, and R. L. Curry. 2007. Structure and dynamics of the hybrid zone between Black-capped and Carolina chickadees in southeastern Pennsylvania. Auk 124: 463-478.
137. Curry. R.L., L.M. Rossano, and M.W. Reudink. In press. Behavioral aspects of chickadee hybridization. Chapter 7 in K. Otter, editor. Ecology and behavior of chickadees and titmice: an integrated approach. Oxford University Press, Oxford, England.
138. Gavashelishvili, L. 2005. Vultures of Georgia and the Caucasus. Georgian Center for the Conservation of Wildlife and Buneba Print Publishing. Tiblisi, Georgia. 96 pages.
139. Mandel, J., and K. L. Bildstein. 2007. Turkey Vultures use anthropogenic thermals to extend their daily activity period. Wilson Journal of Ornithology 119:102-105.
140. Gavashelishvili, A and M. J. McGrady. 2006. Breeding site selection by Bearded Vulture (Gyptaeus barbatus) and Eurasian Griffon (Gyps fulvus) in the Caucasus. Animal Conservation 9:159-170.
144. Bildstein, Bechard, Campo, Farmer. 2007. Seasonal abundances and distributions of black vultures (Corragyps atratus) and turkey vultures (Cathartes Aura) in Costa Rica and Panama: Evidence for reciprocal migration in the Neotropics. Neotropical Raptors (Bildstein et al., Eds.), Pages 47-60.
145. Farmer, G., K. McCarty, S. Robertson, B. Robertson, and K. L. Bildstein. 2006. Suspected predation by accipiters on radio-tracked American Kestrels (Falco sparverius) in Eastern Pennsylvania, U.S.A. J. Raptor Res. 40(4):297-300.
147. Tingay, R. E., M. A. C. Nicoll, and S. Visal. 2006. Status and distribution of the Grey-headed Fish-eagle (Ichthyophaga ichthyaetus) in the Prek Toal core area of Tonle Sap Lake, Cambodia . Journal of Raptor Research 40: 277-283.
148. Rusbuldt, J. J., J. R. Klucsarits, S. Robertson, and B. Robertson. 2006. Reproductive Success of American Kestrels Using Nest Boxes in Eastern Pennsylvania, 1992-2005. Pennsylvania Birds. 20(3):112-117.
150. Medica, D., R. Clauser, K. Bildstein. 2007. Prevalence of West Nile Virus Antibodies in a Breeding Population of American Kestrels (Falco sparverius) in Pennsylvania. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 43:538-541.
151. Bildstein, K. L., D. R. Barber, and A. Zimmerman, eds. 2007. Neotropical raptors: proceedings of the Second Neotropical Raptors Network Congress. Hawk Mountain Sanctuary, Orwigsburg, PA.
152. Bildstein, K. L. 208. A brief history of raptor conservation in North America. In The State of North America's birds of prey (K. L. Bildstein, J. Smith, and E. Ruelas, eds.). Hawk Mountain Sanctuary, Orwigsburg, PA.
153. Bildstein, K., C. J. Farmer, and R. Yosef. Raptor population monitoring: examples from migration watchsites in North America. 2009. Avocetta 33:43-51.
154. Vilella, F. J., and W. F. Nimitz 2012. Spatial Dynamics of the Red-Tailed Hawk in the Luquillo Mountains of Puerto Rico. The Wilson Journal of Ornithology 124(4): 758–766.
155. Seipke, S. H., A. M. Castaño, and K. L. Bildstein. 2007. Spanish common names of raptors in Latin America. Pages 229-256 in Neotropical Raptors (K. L. Bildstein, D. R. Barber, and A. Zimmerman, eds.). Hawk Mountain Sanctuary, Orwigsburg, PA.
156. Bildstein, K. L., J. Smith, and E. Ruelas Inzunza. 2008. The future of raptor migration monitoring in North America. In The State of North America's birds of prey (K. L. Bildstein, J. Smith, and E. Ruelas, eds.). Series in Ornithology No. 3, Nuttall Ornithological Club and American Ornithologists' Union, Washington, D.C.
157. Goodrich, L. J. and J. Smith. 2008. Raptor migration in North America. In The State of North America's birds of prey (K. L. Bildstein, J. Smith, and E. Ruelas, eds.). Series in Ornithology No. 3, Nuttall Ornithological Club and American Ornithologists' Union, Washington, D. C.
158. Farmer, C. J. and D. T. Hussell. 2008. The Raptor Population Index in practice. In The State of North America's birds of prey (K. L. Bildstein, J. Smith, and E. Ruelas, eds.). Series in Ornithology No. 3, Nuttall Ornithological Club and American Ornithologists' Union, Washington, D. C.
159. Farmer, C. J., R. J. Bell, B. Drolet, E. Greenstone, L. Goodrich, D. Grove, D. J. T. Hussell, D. Mizrahi, F. Nicoletti, and J. Sodergren. 2008. Trends in autumn counts of migratory raptors in northeastern North America, 1974-2004. In The State of North America's birds of prey (K. L. Bildstein, J. Smith, and E. Ruelas, eds.). Series in Ornithology No. 3, Nuttall Ornithological Club and American Ornithologists' Union, Washington, D. C.
160. Smith, J. P., C. J. Farmer, S. W. Hoffman, G. S. Keltenecker, K. Z. Woodruff, and P. F. Sherrington. 2008. Trends in autumn counts of migratory raptors in western North America, 1983-2005. In The State of North America's birds of prey (K. L. Bildstein, J. Smith, and E. Ruelas, eds.). Series in Ornithology No. 3, Nuttall Ornithological Club and American Ornithologists' Union, Washington, D. C.
161. Smith, J. P., C. J. Farmer, S. W. Hoffman, C. Lott, L. J. Goodrich, J. Simon, C. Riley, and Ernesto Ruelas Inzuna. 2008. Trends in autumn counts of migratory raptors around the Gulf of Mexico, 1995-2005. In The State of North America's birds of prey (K. L. Bildstein, J. Smith, and E. Ruelas, eds.). Series in Ornithology No. 3, Nuttall Ornithological Club and American Ornithologists' Union, Washington, D. C.
163. Farmer, C. J., L. J. Goodrich, E. Ruelas Inzunza, J. P. Smith. 2008. Conservation status reports of North American raptors. In The State of North America's birds of prey (K. L. Bildstein, J. Smith, and E. Ruelas, eds.). Series in Ornithology No. 3, Nuttall Ornithological Club and American Ornithologists' Union, Washington, D. C.
166. Sarasola, J. H., J. J. Negro, K. A. Hobson, G. R. Bortolotti, and K. L. Bildstein. 2008. Can a “wintering area effect” explain population status of Swainson’s hawks: A stable isotope approach. Diversity and Distributions 14: 686-691.
168. Michener W.K. K.L. Bildstein A. McKee R.R. Parmenter W.W. Hargrove D. McClearn and M. Stromberg. 2009. Biological Field Stations: Research Legacies and Sites for Serendipity. BioScience 59: 300-310.
169. Smith, A. D.,C. A. Lott, J. P. Smith, K. C. Donohue, S. Wittenberg, K. G. Smith, and L. J. Goodrich. 2009. Deuterium measurements of raptor feathers: does a lack of reproducibility compromise geographic assignment? Auk 126(1):41−46.
171. Bildstein, K.L. 2009. The geography of raptor migration: with a special emphasis on eastern Asia. Proceedings of the 5th symposium on Asian raptors 2008. Asian Raptor Research and conservation Network. Hanoi, Vietnam.
172. Bildstein, K.L. 2010. Diurnal Raptor Migration. Pages 99-110 in Avian ecology and conservation: a Pennsylvania focus with national implications. (S. K. Majumdar, T. L. Master, M. Brittingham, R. M. Ross, R. Mulvihill, and J. Huffman, eds.). Pennsylvania Academy of Science, Harrisburg, PA.
173. Klem, D., Jr., C. J. Farmer, N. Delacretaz, Y. Celb, and P. G. Saenger. 2009. Architectural and landscape fctors associated with bird-glass collissions in an urban envitronment. Wilson Journal of Ornithology 121: 126- 134.
175. Brittingham. M.C. and L.J. Goodrich. 2010. Habitat Fragmentation: A Threat to Pennsylvania's Forest Birds. Avian Ecology and Conservation: A Pennsylvania Focus with nation Implications, 15: 204-216.
176. Bildstein K. L., M. J. Bechard, C. Farmer, and L. Newcomb. 2009. Narrow sea crossings present major obstacles to migrating Griffon Vultures (Gyps fulvus). Ibis 151: 382-391.
179. D.L. Medica and K.L. Bildstein. 2009. Annual Variation in West Nile Virus Antibodies in American Kestrels (Falco sparverius) in Eastern Pennsylvania. Journal of Raptor Research 43(4): 301-307.
180. Inzunza, E.R., L.J. Goodrich, S.W. Hoffman, E.M. Leyva, J.P. Smith, E.P. Rojas, R.R. Mesa, K.L. Scheuermann, S.L.M. Ortiz, Y.C. Carrasco, N. Ferriz, R. Straub, M.M.P. Perez, and J.G. Barrios. 2009. Long Term Conservation of Migratory Birds in Mexico: The Verecruz River of Raptors Project. Proceedings of the Fourth Internation Partners in Flight Conference: Tundra to Tropics. Pages 577-598.
181. Kunkle, D., L.J. Goodrich, D. Barber, C. Farmer, and K. Bildstein. 2009. Movements of Red-tailed Hawks Color-marked on the Kittatinny Ridge in Eastern Pennsylvania. Hawk Migration Studies 34(2): 18-24.
182. Inzunza, E.R., L.J. Goodrich, and S.W. Hoffman. 2010. North American population estimates of waterbirds, vultures and hawks from migration counts in Veracruz, Mexico. Bird Conservation International 20: 124-133.
183. Farmer, C.J. and J.P. Smith. 2009. Migration Monitoring Indicates Widespread Declines of American Kestrels (Falco sparverius) in North America. Journal of Raptor Research 43(4): 263-273.
185. Nuzzo, V. A., J. C. Maerz, and B. Blossey. 2009. Earthworm invasion as the driving force behind plant invasion and community change in northeastern North American forests. Conservation Biology 23:966-974.
186. Farmer, C.J., J.P. Smith. 2010. Seasonal differences in migration counts of Raptors: utility of spring counts for population monitoring. Journal of Raptor Research 44(2): 101-112.
188. Houston, C. S., D. R. Barber, B. Terry, M. J. Stoffel, M. Blom, J. Mandel, and K. L. Bildstein. 2008. Hourly distances and altitudes of a recently-fledged Turkey Vulture on its first southbound migration. Blue Jay 66:148-157.
189. Hinnebusch, D.M., J.F. Therrien, M.A. Valiquette, B. Robertson, S. Robertson, and K.L. Bildstein. 2010. Survival, site fidelity, and population trends of American Kestrels wintering in Southwestern Florida. The Wilson Journal of Ornithology 122(3):475–483.
190. Farmer, C.J., K. Safi, D.R. Barber, I. Newton, M. Martell, and K.L. Bildstein. 2010. Efficacy of Migration counts for monitoring continental populations of raptors: an example using the osprey (Pandion haliaetus). The Auk 127(3): 863-870.
192. Meshaka, W. E. 2010. Field observations of eleven species of snakes during twenty-six years at Hawk Mountain Sanctuary, Pennsylvania. Journal of Kansas Herpetology 36: 17-20.
197. Mandel, J.T., D.W. Winkler, D. Barber, C. Stuart Houston, and K.L. Bildstein. Migration path annotation: cross-continental study of migration-flight response to environmental conditions. Ecological Applications. In Print.
198. Houston, C. S., P. D. McLoughlin, J. T. Mandel, M. J. Bechard, M. J. Stoffel, D. R. Barber, and K. L. Bildstein. 2011. Breeding home ranges of migratory Turkey Vultures near their northern limit. Wilson Journal of Ornithology 123(3): 472-478.
199. Brittingham, M.C. and L.J. Goodrich. 2010. Wildlife habitat: the key to abundance, distribution, and diversity. Pages 10-10 in Terrestrial vertebrates of Pennsylvania (M.A. Steele, et. al. eds). Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore Maryland.
203. Bernard, M.J., L.J. Goodrich, W.M. Tzilkowski, and M.C. Brittingham. 2011. Site fidelity and lifeteime territorial consistency of ovenbirds (Seiurus aurocapilla) in a contiguous forest. The Auk 128(4): 633-642.
204. Batista, C., R. Miro, G. Angehr, and K.L. Bildstein. 2004. More than Three Million Migrating Raptors Counted Ocean-to-Ocean in Panama. Autumn 2004. Hawk Migration Studies-Fall pg. 5-6.
207. Ferrer, M., K.L. Bildstein, V. Penteriani, E. Casado, M. de Lucas. 2011. Why Birds with Deferred Sexual Maturity Are Sedentary on Islands: A Systematic Review. PLoS ONE, July 6(7): 1-7.
208. Goodrich, L.J., C.J. Farmer, D.R. Barber, and K.L. Bildstein. What banding tells us about the movement ecology of raptors. 2012. Journal of Raptor Research 46(1): 27-35.
211. Bohrer, G., D. Brandes, J. T. Mandel, K. L. Bildstein, T. A. Miller, M. Lanzone, T. Katzner, C. Maisonneuve, and J.A. Tremblay. 2011. Estimating updraft velocity components over large spatial scales: contrasting migration strategies of golden eagles and turkey vultures. Ecology Letters 2011.
212. Katzner, T., B.W. Smith, T. A. Miller, D. Brandes, J. Cooper, M. Lanzone, D. Brauning, C. Farmer, S. Harding, D. Kramar, C. Koppie, C. Maisonneuve, M. Martell, E.K. Mojica, C. Todd, J.A. Tremblay, M. Wheeler, D.F. Brinker, T.E. Chubbs, R. Gubler, K. O’Malley, S. Mehus, B. Porter, R.P. Brooks, B.D. Watts, and K.L. Bildstein. 2012. Status, biology and conservation priorities for North America’s eastern Golden Eagle (Aquila chrysaetos) population. The Auk. 129(1): 168-176.
214. Therrien, J. F., G. Gauthier, and J. Bety. 2012. Survival and reproduction of adult snowy owls tracked by satellite. Journal of Wildlife Management. The Journal of Wildlife Management 76(8):1562–1567.
217. Bildstein, K. L. 2012. The role of banding in raptor conservation: Proceedings of a special session at the 2010 RRF Annual Meeting, Fort Collins, Colorado. Journal of Raptor Research 46:1-2.
218. Bildstein, K. L., L. L. Severinghaus, and R. Yosef (eds.). 2012. Field guide to the raptors of East Asia. Volume 1. Migratory species. Asian Raptor Research and Conservation Network, Japan.
219. Therrien, J.-F, L. J. Goodrich, D.R. Barber, and K.L. Bildstein. 2012. A long-term database on raptor migration at Hawk Mountain Sanctuary, northeastern United States. Ecology 93(8): 1979.
221. Gavashelishvili, A., M. McGrady, M. Ghasabian and K. L. Bildstein. 2012. Movements and habitat use by immature Cinereous Vultures (Aegypius monachus) from the Caucasus. Bird Study, iFirst pp. 1-14.
222. Hedlin, E. M., C. S. Houston, P. D. McLoughlin, M. J. Bechard, M. J. Stoffel, D. R. Barber, and K. L. Bildstein. 2013. Winter ranges of migratory Turkey Vultures in Venezuela. Journal of Raptor Research 47: 145-152.
223. Rexer-Huber, K. and K. L. Bildstein 2013. Winter diet of striated caracara Phalcoboenus australis (Aves, Polyborinae) at a farm settlement on the Falkland Islands. Polar Biology 36:437-443.
225. Therrien, J.F., G. Gauthier, E. Korpimaki, and J. Bety. 2014. Predation pressure by avian predators suggests summer limitationof small-mammal populations in the Canadian Arctic. Ecology 95(1): 56-67.
230. Therrien, J.F., G. Gauthier, D. Pinaud & J. Bêty. Irruptive movements and breeding dispersal of snowy owls: a specialised predator exploiting a pulsed resource. To be submitted to Animal Behavior.
231. Therrien, J-F., G. Gauthier and J. Bêty. 2012. Survival and reproduction of adult snowy owls tracked by satellite. Journal of Wildlife Management 76(8): 1562-1567.
233. Vansteelant, W., J. Shamoun-Baranes, W. Bouten, E. van Loon, B. Verhelst, and K.L. Bildstein. 2014. Coastal raptors migration at the eastern Black Sea: weather influences and conservation significance. Journal of Field Ornithology 85: 40-55.
234. Julien, J.R., P. Legagneux, G. Gauthier, R.I.G. Morrison, J.F. Therrien, J. Bety. 2014. Contribution of allochthonous resources to breedingin a high-arctic avian predator. Polar Biology 37: 193-203.
235. Yanez, B., A-R. Munoz, K.L. Bildstein, I. Newton, A.G. Toxopeus, and M. Ferrer. 2014. Individual variation in the over-summering areas of immature Short-toed Snake Eagles Circaetus gallicus. Acta Ornithologica, In press.
237. Kendall, C.J. 2014. The early bird gets the carcass: temporal segregation and its effects on foraging success in avian scavengers. The Auk 131: 12-19.
238. Therrien, J.F., G. Gauthier, D. Pinaud, and J. Bety. 2014. Irruptive movements and breeding dispersal of snowy owls: a specialized predator exploiting a pulsed resource. Journal of Avian Biology. In press.
239. Taylor, S.A., T.A. White, W.M. Hochachka, V. Ferretti, R.L. Curry, and I. Lovette. 2014. Climate-mediated movement in an avian hybrid zone. Current Biology 24: 1-6.
240. Dodge, S., G. Bohrer, K.L. Bildstein, S.C. Davidson, R. Weinzierl, M.J. Bechard, D. Barber, R. Kays, D. Brandes, J. Hahn, and M. Wikelski. 2014. Environmental drivers of variability in movement ecology of turkey vultures (Cathartes aura) in North and South America. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B; doi, org/10.1098/rstb.2013.0195.
241. Therrien, J.F., G. Gauthier, A. Robillard, and J. Bety. Reproductive ecology of snowy owl in the Canadian Arctic (in French). Naturaliste Canadien.
242. Ferrer, M., J. Belliure, E. Minguez, E. Casado, and K.L. Bildstein. 2014. Heat loss and site-dependent fecundity in chinstrap penguins (Pygoscelis antarctica). Polar Biology doi 10.1007/s00300-014-1498-6.
244. Yanez, B., A.-R. Munoz, K. L. Bildstein, I. Newton, A. G. Toxopeus, and M. Ferrer. 2014. Individual variation in the over-summering areas of Short-toed Snake Eagles Circaetus gallicus. Acta Ornithologica 49:137-141.
246. Kim, H.K., M. S. Vega, M. Wahl, C. L. Puan, L. Goodrich, and K. L. Bildstein. 2015. Relationship Between the North Atlantic Oscillation andSpring Migration Phenology of Broad-Winged Hawks (Buteoplatypterus) At Hawk Mountain Sanctuary, 1998–2013. Journal of Raptor Research 49(4): 471-478.
247. Therrien, J.F., D. Pinaud, G. Gauthier, N. Lecomte, K.L Bildstein, J. Bety. 2015. Is pre-breeding prospecting behaviour affectedby snow cover in the irruptive snowy owl? A testusing state-space modelling and environmentaldata annotated via Movebank. Movement Ecology (2015) 3:1DOI 10.1186/s40462-015-0028-7.
248. Bildstein, K. L., M. Reeves, M. M. Bobowski, and A. R. Autilio. 2015. Avian scavengers, but not conspecifics, feeding on the carcasses of storm-killed Turkey Vultures on the Falkland Islands. Vulture News. In press
250. Bildstein, K.L., M. Reeves, M.M. Bobowski, and A.R. Autilio. 2014. Avian scavengers, but not conspcifics, feeding on the carcasses of storm-killed Turkey Vultures on the Falkland Islands. Vulture News 67: 53-59.
251. Gilles, G., P. Legagneux, M. Valiquette, M. Cadieux, and J.F.Therrien. 2015. Diet and reproductive success of an Arctic generalist predator: Interplaybetween variations in prey abundance, nest site location, and intraguildpredation. The Auk 132: 735-747.
252. Subedi, T. R. and R. DeCandido. 2014. Population and breeding success of Red-headed Vulture Sarcogyps calvus and Egyptian Vulture Neophron percnopterus in central west Nepal. Vulture News 67:21-32.
253. Juhant, M. and K. L. Bildstein. 2016. Raptor migration across and around the Himalayas. In Bird migration in the Himalyas: Wetland function amid mountains and glaciers., edited by H. H. T. Prins and T. Namgail. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, England.
255. Bolgiano, N., J.F. Therrien, and G. Grove. 2015. Pennsylvania’s Importance to American Kestrels in a Regional Context. Pennsylvania Birds 29(2): 76-83.
256. Monadjem. A., K. Wolter, W. Neser, and K. Bildstein. 2016. Hooded Vulture (Necrosyrtes monachus) and African White-backed (Gyps africanus). . Nesting at the Olifants River Private Nature Reserve, Limpopo Province, South Africa. Ostrich.
257. Robilard, A., J. F. Therrien, G. Gauthier, K.M. Clark, J. Bêty 2016. Pulsed resources at tundra breeding sites affect winter irruptions at temperate latitudes of a top predator, the snowy owl. Oecologia 181: 424-433.
259. Reeves, M., M.M. Bobowski, M.J. Bechard, D.R. Barber, K.L. Bildstein. 2016. Readability of anodized aluminum bands versus plastic darvic bands on Striated Caracaras in the Falkland Islands (Malvinas). Journal of Raptor Research 50(2): 223-226.
260. Jallow, M., C.R. Barlow, L. Sanyang, L. Dibba, C. Kendall, M. Bechard, K.L. Bildsein. High population density of the Critically Endangered Hooded Vulture Necrosyrtes monachus in Western Region, The Gambia, confirmed by road surveys in 2013 and 2015. 2016. Malimbus 38:23-28.
261. Monroy-Ojeda, A., K. Wolf, E. Martinez-Leyva, L. J. Goodrich, R. Rodriguez Mesa, I. Chavez Dominguez, G. Ramon Lara, S. W. Hoffman, and E. Peresbarbosa Rojas. 2016. Neotropical Records of Nearctic Raptors: Observational Data from Veracruz, Mexico. The Wilson Journal of Ornithology 128(3):631–637.
263. Naveda-Rodríguez, A., K. L. Bildstein, and F. H. Vargas. 2016. Geographic patterns of species richness of diurnal raptors in Venezuela. Biodiversity and Conservation DOI 10.1007/s10531-016-1102-1.
265. Katzner, T. E., E. A. Bragin, A. E.Bragin, M.McGrady, T. A. Miller, and K. L. Bildstein. 2016. Unusual clockwise loop migration lengthens travel distances and increases potential risks for a central Asian, long distance, trans-equatorial migrant, the Red-footed Falcon Falco vespertinus. Bird Study pages 1-7.
267. Beardsell, A. G. Gauthier, J. F. Therrien, and J. Bety. 2016. Nest site charactertics, patterns of nest reuse, and reporductive output in an Arctic-nesting raptor, the Rough-legged Hawk. The Auk 133: 718-732.
268. Concepcion, C. B., P. T. Dumandan, M. R. Silvosa, K. L. Bildstine, and T. E. Katzner. 2017. Species Composition, Timing, and Weather Correlates of Autumn Open-Water Crossings By Raptors Migrating Along the East-Asian Oceanic Flyway. Journal of Raptor Research 51(1): 25-37.
269. Grilli, M.G. S.A. Lambertucci, J.F. Therrien, and K. L. Bildstein. 2017. Wing size but not wing shape is related to migratory behavior in a soaring bird. Journal of Avian Biology 47: 001–010.
270. Paprocki, N., D. Oleyar, D. Brandes, L. Goodrich, T. Crewe, and S. W. Hoffman. 2017. Combining migration and wintering counts to enhance understanding of population change in a generalist raptor species, the North American Red-tailed Hawk. The Condor 119: 98-107.
271. Bildstein, K.L. & J.F. Therrien. 2018. Urban birds of prey: a lengthy history of human–raptor cohabitation. In: Urban Raptors: Ecology and Conservation of Birds of Prey in Cities (C.W. Boal & C.R. Dykstra eds.). Island Press. Washington, USA.
273. Dumandan, P.K.T., L.J. Goodrich, J.F. Therrien, and K.L. Bildstein. 2016. Abundance and timing of raptors during spring migration at Hawk Mountain, Pennsylvania, 1969 to 20016. Pennsylvania Birds 30(4): 188-198.
274. Therrien, J.F., S. Weidensaul, D. Brinker, S. Huy, T. Miller, E. Jacobs, S. Weber, T. McDonald, M. Lanzone, N. Smith, and N. Lecomte. 2017. Winter use of a highly diverse suite of habitats by irruptive snowy owls. Northeastern Naturalist. 24(Special Issue 7): B81-B89.
275. Robillard A., G. Gauthier, J.F Therrien, G. Fitzgerald, J.Provencher, and J. Bêty. 2017. Variability in stable isotopes of snowy owl feathers and contribution of marine resources to their winter diet. Journal of Avian Biology 48: 759–769.
276. Doyle, F.I., J. F. Therrien, D. G. Reid, G. Gauthier, C. J. Krebs. 2017. Seasonal movements of female snowy owls breeding in the western North American Arctic. Journal of Raptor Research 51(4):428–438
277. J.C. Probst, J.F. Therrien, L.J. Goodrich, and K.L. Bildstein. 2017. Increase in Numbers and Potential Phenological Adjustment of Ruby-throated Hummingbirds (Archilochus colubris) during Autumn Migration at Hawk Mountain Sanctuary, Eastern Pennsylvania, 1990–2014. The Wilson Journal of Ornithology 129(2): 360–364.
282. Thompson, L. J., J. P. Davies, M. Gudehus, A. J. Botha, K. L. Bildstein, C. Murn, and C.T. Downs. 2017. Visitors to nests of Hooded Vultures Necrosyrtes monachus in north-eastern South Africa. Ostrich 88(2): 155–162.
283. Kane, A., and C. J. Kendall. 2017. Understanding how mammalian scavengers use information from avian scavengers: cue from above. Journal of Animal Ecology doi: 10.1111/1365-2656.12663.
284. Beardsell A., G. Gauthier, D. Fortier, J.F. Therrien, and J. Bêty. 2017. Vulnerability to geomorphological hazards of an Arctic cliff-nesting raptor, the rough-legged hawk. 2017. Arctic Science 00: 1–17 (0000) dx.doi.org/10.1139/as-2016-0025.
285. Therrien, J.F., N. Lecomte. T. Zqirski, M. Jaffre, A. Beardsell, L.J. Goodrich. J. Bêty, A. Franke, E. Zlonis, K.L. Bildstein. 2017. Long-term phenological shifts in migration and breeding-area residency in eastern North American raptors. The Auk 134: 871-881.
286. Kendell, C. J., D. I. Rubenstein, P. L. Slater, A. Monadjem. 2017. An assessment of tree availability in population declines in scavenging raptors. Journal of Avian Biology 48: 1–8.
288. Bayly, N., K. Rosenberg, W. Easton, C. Gomez, J. Carlisle, D. Ewert, A. Drake, and L. Goodrich. 2017. Major stopover regions and migratory bottlenecks for Nearctic-Neotropical landbirds within the Neotropics: a review. Bird Conservation International 1-26, doi:10.1017/S0959270917000296.
289. Curk, T., T. McDonald, D. Zazelenchuk, S. Weidensaul, D. Brinker, S. Huy, N. Smith, T. Miller, A. Robillard, G. Gauthier, N. Lecomte, and J.F. Therrien. Winter irruptive Snowy Owls (Bubo scandiacus) in North America are note starving. 2018. Canada Journal of Zoology 96: 553-558.
290. Medel, H.J., K.L. Bildstein, R.P. Schlatter, and J.G. Navedo. 2018. Discover of an Austral Migratory Corridor for Raptors in South America. Journal of Raptor Research 52(1): 89-93.
291. Harrington, K.J., S. Pole-Evans, M. Reeves, M. Bechard, M. Bobowski, D.R. Barber, K. Rexer-Huber, N. Lecomete, and K.L. Bildstein. 2018. Seasonal micro-migration in farm-island population of striated caracaras (Phalcoboenus australis) in the Falkland Islands. Movement Ecology 6(4): 1-9.
293. Reeves, M., S. Crofts, and K.L. Bildstein. 2018. Distribution and abundance of breeding Striated Caracaras in the Falkland Islands (Malvinas). Journal of Raptor Research 52(3): 309-315.
295. Robillard, A., G.Gauthier, J.F. Therrien, and J. Bêty. Wintering space use and site fidelity in a nomadic species, the snowy owl. 2018. Journal of Avian Biology e01707 doi: 10.1111/jav.01707: 1-16.
297. Godino, A., C. Machado, A. Segui, K. Bildstein, K. Bartosuk, J. Elorriaga, A. Guerrera. Primer seguimiento con GPS del buitre moteado en Europa. Quercus 386: 40-41.
299. Arete, J. I., M. A. Juhant. 2018. The Rufous-thighed Kite Harpagus diodon is not an endemic breeder of the Atlantic Forest: lessons to assess Wallacean shortfalls. Ibis doi: 10.1111/ibi.12645.
301. Ely. T.E., C.W. Briggs, S.E. Hawks, G. S. Kaltenecker, D.L. Evans, F.J. Nicoletti, J.F. Therrien, O. Allen, and J.P. DeLong. 2018. Morphological changes in American Kestrels (Falco Sparverius) at continental migration sites. Global Ecology and Conservation 15: e00400.
302. Santonja, P., I. Mestre, S. Weidensaul, D. Brinker, S. Huy, N. Smith, T. McDonald, M. Blom, Z. Zazelenchuck, D. Weber, G. Gauthier, N. Lecomte, and J.F. Therrien. Age composition of winter irruptive Snowy Owls in North America. 2018. Ibis doi: 10.1111/ibi 12647.
303. Concepcion, C.B., K.L. Bildstein, N.J. Collar, T.E. Katzner.2018. Conservation threats and priorities for raptors across Asia in Birds of prey: biology and conservation in the XXI century. Ed by J. Sarasola and J. J. Negro, Springer Nature.
305. Garcia-Heras, M. S., B. Arroyo, F. Mougeot, K. Bildstein, J. F. Therrien, and R .E. Simmons. 2019. Migratory patterns and settlement areas revealed by remote sensing in an endangered intra-African migrant, the Black Harrier (Circus maurus). PLoS ONE 14(1): e0210756.
307. McGrady, M. J., D. L. Karelus, H. A. Rayaleh, M. Sarrouf Willson, B.-U. Meyburg, M. K. Oli, and K. Bildstein. 2018. Home ranges and movements of Egyptian Vultures Neophron percnopterus in relation to rubbish dumps in Oman and the Horn of Africa. Bird Study doi.org/10.1080/00063657.2018.1561648.
308. Tucker, M. A., et al. 2019. Large birds travel farther in homogeneous environments. Global Ecology and Biogeography. DOI: 10.1111/geb.12875: 1-12.
309. LaRitz, B., and L. Goodrich. Do Raptors Feed on Migration? Preliminary Results and a Proposal for New Data Collection for Raptor Watchsites. 2019. Hawk Migration Studies - Spring 2018 Season Summary: 29-33.
310. Harrington, K. J., and K. L. Bildstein. 2019. Predation of Southern Red Octopus (Enteroctopus megalocyathus) by Striated Caracaras (Phalcoboenus australis) in the Falkland Islands. Journal of Raptor Research 53(2): 220–222.
313. McCabe, R.A., L.J. Goodrich, T.L. Master, and Z. Bordner. Broad-winged Hawk Nesting Behavior in Forested Landscapes of Pennsylvania. 2019. Journal of Raptor Research 53(3): 293-308.
314. Maricel G. G., K. L. Bildstein, S. A. Lambertucci. 2019. Nature’s clean-upcrew: Quantifying ecosystem services from a migratory avian scavenger on a continental scale. Ecosystem Services 39: 100990.
315. Schmidt, E., D. Fauteux, G. Gauthier, Y. Seyer, and J.F. Therrien. 2019. Improving diet assessment of Arctic terrestrial predators with the size of rodent mandibles. Journal of Zoology doi:10.1111/jzo.12756.
316. McClure, C. J. W., S.E. Schulwitz, D. L. Anderson, B. W. Robinson, E. K. Mojica, J. F. Therrien, M. D. Oleyar, and J. Johnson. 2019. Commentary: Defining raptors and birds of prey. Journal of Raptor Research 53(4): 419–430.
317. Seyer, Y., G. Gauthier, L. Bernatchez, J. F. Therrien. 2019. Sex determination in a monomorphic plumage seabird using morphometric measurements and assortative mating. Waterbirds 42(4): 380-392.
319. Schimpf, D. J., L. J. Goodrich, A. R. Kocek, and D. A. La Puma. 2020. Northern Harriers have a geographically broad four year migration cycle. J. Raptor Research 54(1): 38–46.
320. Harrington, K. J., and J. A. Fahlbusch. 2019. A low-cost, open-source inertial movement GPS logger for eco-physiology applications. Journal of Experimental Biology 222: jeb211136. doi:10.1242/jeb.211136.
321. McCabe, R. A., L. J. Goodrich, D. R. Barber, T. L. Master, J. L. Watson, E. M. Bayne, A. L. Harrison, P. P. Marra, and K. L. Bildstein. Satellite tracking reveals age and origin-differences in migration ecology of two populations of Broad-winged Hawks (Buteo platypterus). Journal of Ornithology (In Press).
323. Curk, T., J. F. Therrien et al. 2020. Movement decisions during spring are influenced by snow conditions in arctic avian predators. Scientific Reports (In press).
324. Slabe, V. A., B. Brown et al. 2020. Feeding ecology drives lead exposure of facultative and obligate avian scavengers in the eastern United States. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry.
325. Thompson, L., D. Barber, K. Bildstein et al. 2020. Variation in monthly sizes of home-ranges of Hooded Vultures (Necrosyrtes monachus) in western, eastern, and southern Africa. Ibis. (In press).
326. Concepcion, C. B., K. L. Bildstein, T. E. Katzner. 2020. GIS-Modeling of Island Hopping Through the Philippines Demonstrates Trade-Offs Migrant Grey-Faced Buzzards During Oceanic Crossings. JEEAR 2:2020 DOI: 10.34002/jeear.v2i0.40.
326a. Johnson, C.B., G.K. Lahr, T.J. Underwood, and L.J. Goodrich. 2020. Forty-five years of Fall Banding at Little Gap Raptor Banding Station, Danielsville, PA: Summary of Captures and Morphological Measurements of Raptors. North American Bird Bander 45: 1&2 pg. 1-18.
327. Ruegg, K. C., M. Brinkmeyer, C. M. Bossu, R. Bay, E. C. Anderson, C. W. Boal, R. D. Dawson, A. Eschenbauch, C. J. W. McClure, K. E. Miller, J. Morrow, L. Morrow, M. D. Oleyar, B. Ralph, S. Schulwitz, T. Swem, J. F. Therrien, T. B. Smith, J. Heath. 2020. The American Kestrel genoscape (Falco sparverius): Implications for monitoring, management, and subspecies boundaries. The Auk: Ornithological Advances (In press).
328. Bonerbo, Z., and L. Goodrich. 2020. Linking Hawk Watch Sites to Breeding and Wintering Catchment Areas of Red-tailed Hawks. The Journal of the Hawk Migration Association of North America 46(2): 9-16.
330. Harrington, K., et al. Seasonal activity levels of a farm‑island population of striated caracaras (Phalcoboenus australis) in the Falkland Islands. 2020. Animal Biotelemetry 8(27): doi.org/10.1186/s40317-020-00214-y
331. Anderson, D., Arkumarev, V., Bildstein, K. Botha, A., Bowden, C. G. R., Davies, M., Duriez, O., Forbes, N. A., Godino, A., Green, R. E., Krüger, S., Lambertucci, S. A., Orr-Ewing, D., Parish, C. N., Parry-Jones, J. & Weston, E. (2020). A practical guide to methods for attaching research devices to vultures and condors. Vulture News 78a: 1 -72. IUCN Species Survival Commission Vulture Specialist Group Technical Publication No.1. http://dx.doi.org/10.4314/vulnew.v78ai1.1
332. Cuadros, S., R.A. McCabe, L.J. Goodrich, and D.R. Barber. 2021. Broad-winged hawks overwintering in the Neotropics: Landscape composition and threats in wintering areas of a long-distance migrant. Journal of Raptor Research 55(2): 139-150.
333. Seyer, Y., G. Gauthier, D. Fautex, J. F. Therrien. 2020. Resource partitioning among avian predators of the Arctic tundra. Journal of Animal Ecology 2020;89:2934–2945.
334. Robillard, A., G. Gauthier, J.F. Therrien, and J. Bêty. 2020. Linking winter habitat use, diet and reproduction in snowy owls using satellite tracking and stable isotope analyses. ISOTOPES IN ENVIRONMENTAL AND HEALTH STUDIES https://doi.org/10.1080/10256016.2020.1835888
335. Davidson, S.C., et. al. 2020. Ecological insights from three decades of animal movement tracking across a changing Arctic. Science 370(6): 712-715.
336. McClure, C. J. W., J .L. Brown, S. E Schulwitz, J. Smallwood, K. E. Farley, J. F. Therrien, K. E. Miller, K. Steenhof, and J. A. Heath. 2021. Demography of a widespread raptor across disparate regions. Ibis doi: 10.1111/ibi.12916.
337. Wall, J., JF Therrien, et al. 2020. Twenty-five year population trends in Saw-Whet Owls in eastern NA. The Wilson Journal of Ornithology 132(3):739–745.
338. McCabe, R. A., J. F. Therrien, K. L. Wiebe, G. Gauthier, D. Brinker, S. Weidensaul, and K. Elliott. 2021. Landscape cover type, not social dominance, is associated with the winter movement patterns of Snowy Owls in temperate areas. American Ornithological Society 138: 1-12.
340. Cornell, A., M. Melo, C. Zimmerman, J.F. Therrien. 2021. Nestling Physiology Is Independent of Somatic Development in a Common Raptor, the American Kestrel (Falco sparverius). Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 94(2):99–109.
341. Notarianni, N., J. Zeyus, J. Changer, and A. Haines. 2021. Acoustic bat survey kiosk for public outreach. Journal of the Pennsylvania Academy of Science 94: 60-72. DOI: 10.5325/jpennacadscie.94.1-2.0060
342. Mallon, J. M., et. al. 2020. Diurnal timing of nonmigratory movement by birds: the importance of foraging spatial scales . Journal of Avian Biology 2020:e02612.
344. Brown, A., et. al. 2021. Nomadic breeders Snowy Owls (Bubo scandiacus) do not use stopovers to sample the summer environment. Ibis doi: 10.1111/ibi.12950.
345. Harrington, K., J. Meiburg, J. Houtz. 2021. Winter bird gets the worm: consumption of earthworms (Lumbricidae) by striated caracaras (Phalcoboenus australis) in invasive Yorkshire fog (Holcus lanatus) in the Falkland Islands (Malvinas). Polar Biology. 44. 10.1007/s00300-021-02845-0.
346. Rice, A., R. Curry, J. Weckstein. 2021. Haemosporidian prevalence and community composition vary little across a chickadee hybrid zone. Ornithology. 138. 10.1093/ornithology/ukab035.
347. Gousy-Leblanc, M., G. Yannick, J.F. Therrien, N. Lecomte. 2021. Mapping our knowledge on birds of prey population genetics. Conservation Genetics Conservation Genetics https://doi.org/10.1007/s10592-021-01368-9.
348. McClure, L. Goodrich, JF Therrien, et al. Commentary: The past, present, and future of the Global Raptor Impact Network. Journal of Raptor Research, 55(4) : 605-618.
349. Harrington, K., J. Meiburg. 2021. Use of appeasement display and recruitment by an adult Striated Caracara (Phalcoboenus australis) to overcome territorial defense. The Wilson Journal of Ornithology. 133. 10.1676/20-00060.
350. Juhant, M. J.F. Therrien, J. Areta.2022. Winter Irruption of Two Geranoaetus Hawks In the Monte Desert Of Argentina. Journal of Raptor Research. 56. 10.3356/JRR-20-121.
351. Buechley, E. R., A. Santangeli, A. D. Ruffo, G. Ayalew, Y. D. Abebe, D. R. Barber, R. Buij, K. Bildstein, B. A. Mahamued, M. H. C. Neate-Clegg, D. Ogada, P. P. Marra, T. S. Sillett, J.-M. Thiollay, M. Wilkelski, P. Yaworsky, and C. H. Sekercioglu. 2022. Priority areas for vulture conservation in the Horn of Africa largely fall outside the protected area network. Bird Conservation International 32:188–205.
353. Mallon, J. K.L. Bildstein, W. Fagan. 2021. Inclement weather forces stopovers and prevents migratory progress for obligate soaring migrants. Movement Ecology. 9. 10.1186/s40462-021-00274-6.
354. Nourani, E., et. al. 2021. The interplay of wind and uplift facilitates over-water flight in facultative soaring birds. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 288: 20211603. https://doi.org/10.1098/rspb.2021.1603.
355. McCabe, R. A., J. F. Therrien, K. Wiebe, G. Gauthier, D. Brinker, S. Weidensaul, D. Reid, F. I. Doyle, K. O. Jacobsen, T. Aarvak, I. J. Øien, R. Solheim, G. Fitzgerald, N. Smith, K. Bates, M. Fuller, E. Miller, and K. H. Elliott. 2021. Density-dependent winter survival of immatures in an irruptive raptor with pulsed breeding. Oecologia 198:295-306.
359. Heveran, P., L. Goodrich, and D. Barber. 2022. Age-class difference in wintering distribution of Broad-winged Hawks. Journal of Raptor Research, 56(4):471–478.
360. Seyer, Y., G. Gauthier, J. Bêty, Joël, J.F. Therrien, N. Lecomte, N. 2021. Seasonal variations in migration strategy of a long-distance Arctic-breeding seabird. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 10.3354/meps13905.
361. Meehan, T.D., et al. 2022. Integrating data types to estimate spatial patterns of avian migration across the Western Hemisphere. Ecological Applications: doi: 10.1002/eap.2679.
363. McCabe, R. A., K. Wiebe, J. F. Therrien, G. Gauthier, N. Smith, S. Weidensaul, D. Brinker, M. Allard, M. G. Skelling, P. Molina, M. Fuller, K. Bates, and K. H. Elliott. 2022. Factors associated with returns of snowy owls to airports following translocation. Journal of Wildlife Management 2022;e22230. https://doi.org/10.1002/jwmg.22230
365. Dumandan, P., T. M. Prado, W. Limparungpatthanakij, C. Hansasuta, C. Concepcion, Camille, P. Round. 2022. Among-Species Differences In Seasonal Timing and Weather Correlates of Autumn Raptor Migration At Khao Dinsor, Thailand, 2015–2016. Journal of Raptor Research. 56. 10.3356/JRR-21-15.
366. Maynard, L., J.F. Therrien, J. Lemaître, T. Booms, T. Miller, T. Katzner, S. Somershoe, J. Cooper, R. Sargent, N. Lecomte. 2022. Interannual consistency of migration phenology is season- and breeding region-specific in North American Golden Eagles. Ornithology. 10.1093/ornithology/ukac029.
367. Dunn, E., A. Dreelin, P. Heveran, L. Goodrich, D. Potter, A. Florea, B. Ewald, and J. Gyekis. 2022. Community science reveals biennial irruptive migration in the Whitebreasted Nuthatch (Sitta carolinensis). Journal of Field Ornithology 93(2):2.
368. Arbez, L., A. Royer, JF Therrien, S. Montuire. Another mention of meadow vole (Microtus pennsylvanicus) found in pellets of snowy owls (Bubo scandiacus) in northern Ungava peninsula, Canada. Canadian Field Naturalist, 135: 329-336.
369. McClure, C.J.W., L. Dunn, E.R. Buechley, P. Juergens, D. Oleyar, L.J. Goodrich, J.F. Therrien. 2022. Conservation assessment of raptors within the USA and Canada. Biological Conservation, 272: 109633.
370. Bordner, Z.E., R.A. McCabe, D. Brinker, R. Rosenfield, E.A. Jacobs, C. England, M. Wilson, L.J. Goodrich. 2022. Broad-winged Hawk Size Varies by Sex and Latitude in North America. Journal of Raptor Research, 56(4):412–422.
371. Gousy-Leblanc, M., J.F. Therrien, T. Broquet, D. Rioux, N. Curt-Grand-Gaudin, N. Tissot, S. Tissot, I. Szabo, L. Wilson, J.T. Evans, V. Bowes, G, Gauthier, K.L. Wiebe, G. Yannic, and N. Lecomte. 2023. Long-term population decline of a genetically homogeneous continental-wide top Arctic predator. Ibis, 165: 1251-1266. https://doi.org/10.1111/ibi.13199
372. Seyer, Y., G. Gauthier, and J.F. Therrien. 2023. High site and mate fidelity in a monogamous Arctic seabird. Ibis 165: 685-690. https://doi.org/10.1111/ibi.13132.
374. McClure C., F. Vargas, A. Amar, C. Concepcion, C. MacColl, and P. Sumasgutner. 2022. Conservation Letter: Monitoring Raptor Populations – A Call for Increased Global Collaboration and Survey Standardization. Journal of Raptor Research. 57. 10.3356/JRR-22-68.
375. Oleyar, D., L. Goodrich, et al. 2023. Thirty years of migration and winter count data indicate regional differences in population trajectories for American kestrels in North America. Journal of Raptor Research 57(2): DOI: 10.3356/JRR-22-17.
376. Mawdo J., F. C. Momodou L Dibba, D. R. Barber, K. L. Bildstein, and L. J. Thompson. 2022. Road counts reveal The Gambia’s West Coast region still has the densest population of Hooded Vultures Necrosyrtes monachus in Africa, Ostrich, 93:4, 248-256, DOI: 10.2989/00306525.2022.2143922
378. Cornell, A., M.A. Fowler, C. Zimmerman, Z. Khaku, J.F. Therrien. 2023. The role of food quantity and prey type in nestling development of American kestrels. Journal of Raptor Research 57(2): 210-219.
380. Bowers, M., P.M. Orozco-Valor, R.A. McCabe, J.F. Therrien. American kestrels compete with European starlings over nest boxes in Eastern Pennsylvania. Journal of Raptor Research 57(4): 563-570.
381. Van Brempt, M., S. Weidensaul, D. Brinker, P. Coté, D. Okines, D. Bonte, J.F. Therrien. 2023. Does migration phenology of Northern Saw-whet Owls (Aegolius acadicus) vary over time?. The Wilson Journal of Ornithology. 135. 10.1676/22-00080.
382. Bednarz, J., JF Therrien. 2023. The full annual cycle of the American kestrel: state of the knowledge, information gaps, and conservation needs. Journal of Raptor Research 57(2): 125-130..
383. Houtz, J.L., M. Melo, JF Therrien, & A. Cornell. 2023. Disentangling relationships between physiology, morphology, diet, and gut microbial diversity in American kestrel nestlings. Journal of Avian Biology 2023: e03019, doi: 10.1111/jav.03019.
384. Oram, G., G. Grove, L. Goodrich. 2023. Cyclical Pattern Detected in Northern Harrier Migration Counts at Some Pennsylvania Hawk Watches. Pennsylvania Birds 37(1) 9-12.
385. Seyer, Y., G. Gauthier, J. Bêty, J.-F. Therrien, P. Legagneux, and N. Lecomte. 2023. Local food availability and nonbreeding carry-over effects affect breeding propensity and success of a tundra-nesting predator, the Long-tailed Jaeger. Ornithology 140:ukad032.
387. Gallego, D.G., R.A. McCabe, L.J. Goodrich. 2023. Homeward bound: annual breeding home range size and overlap in Broad-winged Hawks (Buteo platypterus) and the effects of sex, productivity, and ecoregion. Journal of Field Ornithology 94(4):9 doi.org/10.5751/JFO-00371-940409.
388. Melo, M., K. Fuller, S. Robertson, B. Robertson, L. Goodrich, D. King, J.F. Therrien. 2023. Rapid urbanization alters wintering abundance and sex ratio of the American kestrel (Falco sparverius). Journal of Raptor Research 57(4):571-580 (2023). https://doi.org/10.3356/JRR-22-00107.
390. Kirk, D. A., J. M. Mallon, R. A. McCabe, A.N. Neveda-Rodriguez. 2023. Foraging shifts in a neoptropical turkey vulture (Cathartes aura ruficollis) in the presence and absence of a northern migrant (C. a. meridionalis). The Wilson Journal of Ornithology 135(3):356–365.
391. Wiebe, K., M. Bidwell, and R. A. McCabe. 2023. Snowy Owls in central North America have regular migration and high philopatry to wintering sites though not always to the same home range. Avian Conservation and Ecology 18(2):14.
392. Thompson, L., J. P. Davies, C. Daboné, G. J. Tate, J.F. Therrien. 2023. A new record of a chick falling from a nest in Limpopo province, South Africa, adds to the known causes of Hooded Vulture Necrosyrtes monachus mortality, African Zoology, 58:3-4, 120-128, DOI: 10.1080/15627020.2023.2270500.
393. Katzner, Brown et al. 2023. Conservation plan for golden eagles in eastern North America. Eastern Golden Eagle Working Group. 81pp. https://egewg.org/conservation-plan.
394. Maynard, L., J. Lemaître, J.F. Therrien, T. Miller, T. Katzner, S. Somershoe, J. Cooper, R. Sargent, N. Lecomte. 2024. Key breeding habitats of threatened golden eagles across Eastern Canada identified using a multi-level, multi-scale habitat selection approach. Landscape Ecology. 39. 10.1007/s10980-024-01835-x.
395. Verduci, M., L. Goodrich, J.F. Therrien, E. Ruelas Inzunza. 2023. Feeding rates of raptors during autumn migration in the Central Appalachians 1987–2022. Frontiers in Conservation Science. 4. 10.3389/fcosc.2023.1250142.
396. Basso E., C. Navarrete, A. Riquelme-Ortiz, C. Suárez, D. R. Barber, K. L. Bildstein, M. Graña Grilli, and S. A. Lambertucci. 2024. Central Chile comprises a previously unknown nonbreeding area for the migratory population of Turkey Vulture (Cathartes aura ruficollis) breeding in the northwestern Argentine Patagonia, Emu - Austral Ornithology, DOI: 10.1080/01584197.2024.2323923.
398. Serratosa J., D. Barber, K. Bildstein, et al. 2024. Tracking data highlight the importance of human-induced mortality for large migratory birds at a flyway scale. Biological Conservation. 193:110525.
399. McCabe R.A., J.F Therrien et al. 2024. Status assessment and conservation priorities for a circumpolar raptor: the Snowy Owl Bubo scandiacus. Bird Conservation International, 34, e41, 1–11 https://doi.org/10.1017/S0959270924000248
400. Herrel, T., G. Oram, F. Nicoletti, L.J. Goodrich. 2024. Do American Goshawks (Accipiter atricapillus) Display a 10-year cycle in Eastern and Central North America? Hawk Migration Studies 50(1): 15-17.
404. Melo, M., J.M. Kolowski, R.A. McCabe, J.A. Smallwood, A. Cornell, D. King, and J.F. Therrien. 2025. Juvenile and Adult Survival Estimates of American Kestrels Throughout the Full Annual Cycle in Eastern North America. Journal of Raptor Research 59(2): jn2414.