Young Birders Club

Hawk Mountain invites young birders of all skill levels to join our Young Birders Club! 

The goals of this club are to:

  • Connect young nature-enthusiasts with like-minded people from around the area
  • Provide young birders with adult mentors willing to share their time and knowledge
  • Increase awareness and appreciation of the natural world
  • Build important life skills such as peer mentoring, leadership, communication, community involvement, and more
  • Introduce young people to career opportunities in wildlife and conservation fields
  • Most importantly, have fun!

Club members can participate in multiple field trips, educational programs, interactive conservation projects, and more throughout the year! 

To join or receive more information about the Club, download the Membership Application below and email it to Club Leader MT Grob at [email protected] or simply bring it to the Visitor Center.

Young Birders Club Membership Application



Upcoming Events

Carolina Chickadee

Bird ID Workshop

Saturday, March 29 • 9 AM - 12 PM
Meet at the Visitor Center

Join us for a fun bird identification workshop, where we'll dive into the fascinating world of local birds and seasonal visitors! Whether you're watching or listening from your window, yard, park, or trail, you'll gain the confidence to identify and appreciate the birds around you. 

During this workshop, we'll cover: 

  • Common bird species you’re likely to see/hear year-round
  • Migratory warblers that might pass through the area in Spring
  • Essential birding tools—from field guides to apps and binoculars
  • How to use Merlin to identify unfamiliar birds
  • How to use eBird to report and track your observations

After the indoor session, we’ll head outside to practice our identification skills! Bring binoculars. Some will be available to borrow.

Pre-registration is required by March 26. If interested, please email MT at [email protected]

Black and White Warbler by Bill Moses

Warbler Walk

Saturday, May 3 • 9 AM - 12 PM
Meet at Leaser Lake
(maps with directions will be sent to participants) 

We’ll take a walk in pursuit of wood warblers and other returning migrants in the fields and forests around Leaser Lake. Participants should dress for the weather and bring binoculars, water, and snacks. Loaner binoculars available.

Pre-registration is required by April 30. If interested, please email MT at [email protected]

American kestrel chick

Pop Up Banding Event

June, July, or August
Date TBA

We will spend a day observing Hawk Mountain biologists band kestrels, tag vultures, or visit a songbird banding station. Event will depend upon successful nesting season and accessibility of nest location.

Stay tuned!

Broad-winged Hawk in Flight


Saturday, Sept 27 • 9 AM - 1 PM
Meet at the Visitor Center 

We’ll hike to the iconic North Lookout and scan the skies for migrating raptors. Participants should dress for the weather, bring binoculars, water/lunch, camera. Loaner binoculars available.

Pre-registration is required by September 24. If interested, please email MT at [email protected]

Wildwood Lake Park

Birding at Wildwood Lake Park

Saturday, Nov 15 • 10 AM - 2 PM
Meet at the Olewine Nature Center
100 Wildwood Way, Harrisburg PA

Bring binoculars, water/lunch, camera and enjoy birding around the lake and surrounding area. With six different trails and two boardwalks there is a lot to explore. Be prepared to walk 3 miles and spend approximately 4 hours at the park.

Pre-registration is required by November 12. If interested, please email MT at [email protected]