Visiting Year Round
Hawk Mountain is a beautiful and unique place to visit year round, to connect with nature, learn about local conservation efforts, and get involved with community events.
What time of year should you visit?
- Spring Hawk Watch
- Hiking in cool, comfortable weather
- Returning songbirds and mammals
- Tree frogs and spring peepers in the pond
- Changing blooms in the Native Plant Garden
- FREE Spring Weekend Programs
- Enjoy the peak of butterfly diversity
- Check out the pond for newts, frogs and turtles
- See hummingbirds at the feeder stations
- Summer wildflowers and PA's state flower mountain laurel blooms
- Hike in the cooler mountaintop weather
- Lots of interactive summer events
- Most popular time on the mountain
- Don't miss the famous autumn migration
- Peak of Broad-winged Hawk migration is mid September
- Greatest hawk diversity is during October
- Fall color peaks during early November
- Autumn Lecture Series and other fun events
- Find peace and solitude
- Have the Lookout all to yourself
- Unique indoor and outdoor events
- Watch the winter songbirds at the feeders station