Native Plant Sales

Mid May
Mid September
The Hawk Mountain Native Plant Sale features helpful volunteers, a strong educational component, and an incredible mix of native trees, shrubs, vines, grasses, ferns and flowers. Come browse or buy, and learn more about the importance of natives.
All plants separated by habitat, such as sunny/hot or shady/wet. We make it as easy as possible for you to buy plants that will thrive in your home landscape. The Hawk Mountain sale also features helpful volunteers, tips on attracting wildlife and a strong educational component. AND we help you carry your plants back to your vehicle or we're happy to store them until you're ready to leave. How's THAT for service?
Visit for more info.
Support the Native Habitat Garden!
Support for the Native Habitat Garden is always appreciated. Use the button below to donate today, and be sure to include in the comments of the form that the online gift is for the Native Habitat Garden.
To get involved as a garden volunteer, contact Membership and Volunteer Manager Tammy Jandrasitz (610-756-6000 ext 215, [email protected])