Educator Workshops

Professional training for formal and non-formal educators.

Hawk Mountain hopes to inspire public, private, formal, and non-formal educators with new tools, activities, and curricula for the classroom, wherever that may be!

Cost is $15 each, and pre-registration is required. Workshops will take place in the ADA-accessible Hawk Mountain Education Building from 9 AM – 3:30 PM. Act 48 hours are available!

Blue-grey Gnatcatcher

Pennsylvania Songbirds

Thursday, April 17

Register Here! 

Join us for an educator workshop all about birds! Pennsylvania Songbirds is a hands-on, interdisciplinary, K-8 resource and activity guide developed by DCNR, Bureau of State Parks, Audubon Mid-Atlantic, and the Pennsylvania Game Commission. Participants will have the opportunity to enhance their knowledge of observation and identification of songbirds, bird biology, habitat, migration, and much more!

Pennsylvania forest stream

PA Biodiversity and Climate Change

Monday, August 18

Register Here!

Find new ways to incorporate biodiversity into the classroom! This workshop provides wildlife-based environmental education activities that are hands-on, easy to use, and fun! This curriculum is designed for grades 5-12. Participants will have the opportunity to explore and enhance their knowledge of the fundamentals of biodiversity and climate change by investigating PA-specific flora and fauna.