Richard Holt
Barto, PA
Elected 2021. First term ends 2025.
Rick may be one of the original “interns” at Hawk Mountain, having volunteered in high school and college before a formal internship program existed. After replacing all the toilet paper in the latrines on his first day, everyone was thrilled when he showed up for day two.
A lifetime entrepreneur and educator, Rick established R.W.Holt Photography, which focuses on teaching and travel wildlife photography throughout the world. He was also the co-founder of Fiberoptic Medical Products, a medical device company, and Medical Equipment and Diagnostic Systems. Rick has been an adjunct professor at Lehigh University and Northampton Area Community College, teaching business and investing. He currently serves on the executive council and as treasurer of the North American Versatile Hunting Dog Association.
Starting early with a passion for birds of prey, Rick earned a BA in Zoology from the University of Washington and later an MBA from Lehigh University. He lives in Bethlehem, PA, and has three children.