Snow Geese Flocks in the Kempton Valley

Posted on in Recent Sightings by Hawk Mountain

Snow Geese Flock by Keith Berry

A flock of approximately 600 Snow Geese (Anser caerulescens) has been observed around the Kempton Valley this week.

Our biologists first observed them flying overhead last week. The flock has remained in the area, landing in open fields and cornfields to forage. During the winter, millions of snow geese migrate from their breeding grounds in the Arctic to overwinter in the United States. Many northern states and Canada are stopover points, places where flocks will rest during their migratory journey, but we are lucky here in northeastern Pennsylvania to play host to thousands of these beauties during their winter stay.

Snow geese are on the forefront of everyone’s minds lately, as reports of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) infections in waterfowl continue to grow. When observing the natural beauty of the snow goose migration, please remain a safe distance from the flock, or in your car. If you do encounter a sick or dead bird, DO NOT ATTEMPT TO HANDLE IT. You can report sick and dead birds to the Pennsylvania Game Commission by calling 1-833-PGC-WILD (1-833-742-9453), by emailing [email protected], or by using their online WildlifeHealth Survey tool.

Photo by Keith Berry.