International Vulture Awareness Day

Turkey and Black Vultures

Trail fee applies for Non-members.
Live vulture program at 2 pm!

Hawk Mountain loves to observe, study, and learn more about vulture species here and around the world. Celebrate these vital species and their conservation during the annual International Vulture Awareness Day

Join us in celebrating our winged clean-up crew with a live vulture presentation by Peggy Sue Hentz at 2 PM, vulture activities free for children, and information on our own long-term research on this social, graceful, and incredibly sanitary scavenging raptor. There will also be a vulture discovery station set up at the Info Pavilion (next to the Native Plant Garden) from 10am-3pm.

Weekend Programs are free with trail fee, and the live vulture program is free to all. Youth activities and information table available.