Hawk Mountain Collaborates in Free Virtual Educator Workshop Series
Posted on May 18, 2021 in Education

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Free. Wednesdays from 4 to 5 PM
May through June 9
Registration Required
Hawk Mountain is proud to announce a VIRTUAL Wild About Raptors Educator Workshop Series, held in collaboration with Shaver's Creek Environmental Center, the PA Department of Environmental Protection, the PA Game Commission, and the Motus Tracking System. All workshops are FREE for both formal and non-formal educators, and Act 48 hours are available for all. Programs are held Wednesdays at 4 PM throughout May and ending June 9 and educators may sign up for one or more.
All sessions are one hour long and Act 48 hours are available. Registration is required for each session, which are held using the Zoom platform.
Registration and details for all workshops are available by clicking here. The first program will focus on the peregrine falcon, Hawk Mountain will share the science and significance of findings from the world’s first refuge for birds of prey, and teachers can learn more about Motus, the wildlife radio telemetry tracking system. Other topics include raptor artistry, the use of barn owl and American kestrel nest boxes and webcams, finally, a behind the scenes look at Shaver’s Creek Environmental Center.
“Hawk Mountain hopes to inspire public, private, formal, and non-formal educators with new tools, activities, and curricula for the classroom,” says Director of Education Jamie Dawson, “and we’re thrilled to be part of this collaborative teacher workshop series.