Turkey Vulture Nesting Behavior
Posted on January 11, 2017 in Raptor News
Turkey vulture with juvenile
Tagged Male Turkey Vulture preparing to feed its young in its nest located outside of Bariloche, Argentina.

Turkey vulture with juvenile
Tagged Male Turkey Vulture preparing to feed its young in its nest located outside of Bariloche, Argentina.
Turkey vulture with juvenile
Tagged Male Turkey Vulture feeding its young through regurgitation, in a nest located outside of Bariloche, Argentina.

Turkey vulture with juvenile
Tagged Male Turkey Vulture feeding its young through regurgitation, in a nest located outside of Bariloche, Argentina.
Turkey vulture with juvenile
Tagged Male Turkey Vulture after feeding its young in its nest located outside of Bariloche, Argentina.

Turkey vulture with juvenile
Tagged Male Turkey Vulture after feeding its young in its nest located outside of Bariloche, Argentina.
Above are three photos of one of the six Argentine Turkey Vultures Hawk Mountain placed a satellite tracking device and wing tag on in November 2014. The photos were taken at a nest site near Bariloche, Argentina.
The nestling was about 25 days old at the time of the photo, which was taken on December 10, 2016. The tagged vulture is an adult male.
Maricel Grana Grilli, an Argentine Post-Doctoral student working on the Hawk Mountain Turkey Vulture Project, recently retrieved and sent us the photos.