Hamburg Area Christmas Bird Count Results
Posted on February 10, 2021 in Science

On December 27, 2020, Hawk Mountain organized the 55th year of the Hamburg Area Christmas Bird Count which surveys wintering birds in a 15-mile diameter circle centered on the Pinnacle according to guidelines set by National Audubon Society. The area surveyed includes Hawk Mountain, Gamelands 106, part of Weiser State Forest, and towns of Kempton, Lenhartsville, New Ringgold, and Hamburg.
In 2020, observers operated in smaller teams than usual due to Covid restrictions but covered the same areas. Total bird numbers were lower than average and 2020 was one the lower counts for the 55-year survey. However, a good variety of species were noted including some rarities such as Golden Eagle, Rusty Blackbird, Red Crossbill and White-winged Crossbill. New record counts were set for Turkey Vulture, 151, and Pileated Woodpecker, 33. For 2020, 39 field observers participated and 6 feederwatchers.
Click below to download the 2020 Count Totals.
2020 Hamburg Christmas Bird Count Totals
DownloadLaurie Goodrich, Compiler