Hawk Mountain Mentors Spanish Colleagues
Posted on November 14, 2017 in Science

Lola Cano Caballero, The Executive Director of CIMA (Centro por Internacional Migracion de Aves) in Tarifa, Spain is spending a week at Hawk Mountain exchanging ideas and planning collaborations with Sanctuary scientists and educators.
Lola oversees the conservation efforts of Fundacion Migres, a Spanish conservation organization and Hawk Mountain's partner at CIMA’s field station on the Strait of Gibraltar, where hundreds of thousands of raptors and storks routinely migrate between southwestern Europe and northwestern Africa. The center has a new center that can serve as a biological field station, similar to the Acopian Center, and visited to learn more about how the facility and organization can learn from the Sanctuary.
Anticipated collaborations include continued field work underway for more than a decade and new ecotours of the watchsite and nearby Morocco. The plan is to invite Lola back next autumn so that she can describe Fundacion Migres and its work at a Saturday evening lecture to members and visitors.
Visit www.fundacionmigres.org/en/ to learn more.