Post-doc student news
Posted on October 16, 2015 in Science

Hawk Mountain Sanctuary is proud to report that the Sanctuary’s post-doctoral student Maricel Grana Grilli has been awarded a permanent research position at CONICET (Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas, translated as the National Council for Scientific and Technical Research) in Argentina. Following the successful completion of a rigorous and highly competitive application process, CONICET awards doctoral fellowships, postdoctoral fellowships, and permanent positions.
Maricel is currently working on a post-doc fellowship in conjunction with Hawk Mountain, analyzing our vulture telemetry data. Her recent award means that following this work,which will take her through 2017, she has a secured position as a raptor biologist in Argentina. Photo shows Marcil with Sergio Lambertucci, her co-advisor in Argentina, and a wing-tagged vulture, and below, at work on her scientific analysis at the Acopian Center for Conservation Learning at Hawk Mountain Sanctuary.