Spring 2020 Migration Count Overview
Posted on June 30, 2020 in Science
The 2020 Spring Migration Count was different than any of us had experienced. As a research facility we were deemed essential and the long-term spring count could continue, but with social distancing and limited contact.
Despite the lonely days on the lookout, the 2020 Spring Count was a success. We tallied 1,269 raptors of 14 species from April 1 through May 15. Overall, the count was 30% above the 10-year average with notably higher counts of turkey vultures and broad-winged hawks. Counts of bald eagles also were above average. Several species had below average counts including black vulture, northern harrier, and sharp-shinned hawk.
A non-migrant brought some excitement to the lookout near the end of the count. On May 12, an adult Mississippi kite flew low over North Lookout heading down ridge in a southwest direction. This is only the 7th spring record of Mississippi kite for the Sanctuary!
See below for the breakdown of counted raptors during the 2020 Spring Migration Count.