Todd Bauman Receives Hawk Mountain’s Prestigious Warden Award
Posted on August 30, 2021 in Education

Congratulations to Director of Stewardship Todd Bauman, who at the board of directors’ June 2021 meeting received the Sanctuary’s highest honor, the Hawk Mountain Warden Award. A replica of the badge worn by first warden Maurice Broun, this prestigious award is presented to select individuals who have made exceptional contributions to Hawk Mountain Sanctuary.
Todd was selected for leading and successfully completing significant improvement projects over the last decade, including the upgraded and expanded Irma Broun Kahn Education Building, the nationally award-winning ADA accessible Silhouette Trail, and most recently, the beautiful and multi-functional Outdoor Amphitheater, which boasts universal access and an accessible connector path.
Other accolades include founding the Hawk Mountain Conservation Corps, spearheading science-based forest management and long-term invasive plant remediation, and leading the award-winning stewardship department.
“Todd Bauman has dedicated his life to Hawk Mountain Sanctuary and in so doing developed the well-renowned Stewardship Department and accompanying youth and volunteer programs,” says Sanctuary President Sean Grace. “Many young stewardship professionals owe their careers to Todd who demanded excellence and made it an adventure to learn while sharing his passions, and we are all the better for it.”
Todd joined the staff in 1995 and is responsible for facility management, visitor safety, and stewardship. His additional skills include interpretive education, grant fulfillment, volunteer management, public relations, and a passion for all things outdoors.
Todd Bauman believes in Hawk Mountain, and he lives by the famous quote from Hawk Mountain’s first Warden Maurice Broun: “Sanctuary: we mean it!”